We are switching to HTML5 starting with Aida 6.2 nov10.

Aida 6.2 and newer support next HTML5 features:

  • new structural elements section, header, footer, nav, aside, article
    • example: section := WebElement newSection.
    • there is no class for each new element, but just WebElement is extended to cover besides div and span also those new structural elements.
  • new inline elements mark, time, meter, progress,
  • Offline support, see Off-line web apps
  • HTML5 is set by default, but you can still set XHTML and others
  • DOCTYPE in page header, only DOCTYPE html


  • all old html code works, there is no 'depreciated' things in HTML5, just obsolete, which here means that it is not to be used but it will work in browsers forever.


Further reading:

  • HTML5 for Web Designers, A List Apart, 2010 (book)